Miscellaneous Info


Stuff is bound to break over time, especially with things relying on technology! The Greeks have had their fair share of creepy and infamous breakdowns in the Disney catalog. Most of the malfunctions over time consist of the animatronics simply not moving, or an effect in the background missing. It happens quite often! So let’s go over the most notable mishaps that don’t look ‘normal’...

Starting off with the most popular malfunction in the history of this ride, here we see the Teacher in a "Sayyyy whhaaattt?" pose. The hydraulics have most likely lost their pressure (for he does leak every day) in this case. The students have also stopped moving and are stuck in a very loose position.

On the same AA, we see the teacher collapsed on his joints yet again. Instead of backward, he is forward.

A malfunctio of the teacher animatronic, he is leaning on his left and his right arm is sticking out in front of him. Source: DreamfinderGuy on Twitter

Quite a mysterious one, here we see Kallias with his head turned towards the time machines. This is quite reminiscent of his old pose in the Renaissance scene. It is unsure or not if he was moving that day. We also see Demetrios with his head down, signifying that he is also not working quite well.

Two photos of Kallias staring at the viewer, he is not supposed to be looking at the camera. The photos have a weird aura to them.... Source:NickFrank2010 on Twitter


Because of the nature of moving things, costumes and props need to be cleaned, fixed, and/or replaced over time. I am not sure of what the Imagineers have made for the boys but I have noticed things changed and moved over the years of photographs that I have.

work on later

Homemade Lore